A'PEXi has some of the oldest and most popular fuel computers for use on your FC3S.  The current S-AFC II is one of the best performing fuel computer for the money.  Adjustments are made via the controller, and the air flow meter is adjusted accordingly (going to the stock ECU).

Check out the A'PEXi USA website for more details on the S-AFC II.

History of A'PEXi AFC
AFC, gen. 1 - Single knob
AFC, gen. 2 - Single knob
AFC II - Single knob
Super AFC - 5 knobs
Manual:  superafc.pdf
S-AFC - Digital control
Manual:  safc_manual.pdf
Update:  safc_update.pdf
U.S. Update:  safc_us_update.pdf
Wiring:  safc_wiring.pdf
S-AFC II - Digital control
Manual:  safcii_manual.pdf
Wiring:  safcii_wiring.pdf

Questions?  Comments?  Send mail to:  reted@fc3spro.com
