The stock turbo inlet
duct turns out to be a restrictive design due to it's "S"-shape path. By
giving the intake charge a straighter shot to the turbo, the engine can run much
more efficiently! Due to it's better efficiency, boost levels are
higher. Boost can climb as much as 2psi due to the better, straighter
You can built your own TID pipe with a section of 45º
pipe. The inlet to the stock turbo is 2-3/8" or 60mm. The airflow
meter outlet is a little larger than 3". Getting soft hose connectors with
clamps is all that's need to complete the modification. You'll need to
figure out how to plumb in the emissions fittings (one for 1986-1988 models, and
two for 1989-1991 models) and the stock compressor bypass valve (i.e. stock
blow-off valve), if you're planning to keep them intact.
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