The AC Logicon has been known to
cause problems due to cracked cold solder joints. If you're having
problems with vents switching positions, fan levels, and/or cold-heat related
issues, it's most likely the AC Logicon with cracked cold solder joints.
if you're adept at soldering, you can remove the AC Logicon and resolder those
joints yourself.
To remove the AC Logicon, you'll need to remove the
center console stereo surround bezel. The center vents must be removed
with careful prying. After the vents have popped off, you'll see a pair of
screws that attach to a metal flange. Once the this is loosened, the lower
shifter surround can be popped off with the help of a flat-head screwdriver
prying under the corners. This should release the lower portion of the
stereo surround bezel, and the whole thing should pop out. Once the stereo
surround bezel is removed, this should expose the screws that hold the AC
Logicon in place. Four Phillips head screws hold the AC Logicon in place -
two on each side. There are three groups of wiring harnesses snaking into
the AC Logicon in back. Two of them can be unplugged, but the third is
hardwired into the AC Logicon. You have two options at this point:
1) you can unplug this wiring harness from the top center of the dash, or 2) you
can disassemble the AC Logicon slightly and disconnect it internally.
Accessing the plug in the dash is a real pain; it required removing the metal
panel at the base of the windshield, and that will almost guarantee broken
plastic. I've heard you can crawl under the dash and access the plug from
below, but I have never had any luck trying this method. Most people will
opt to disconnect the wiring harness internally.
If the problem
with the controls can be narrowed down to just the cold-hot temp slider, there's
a possibility that the air mix motor is the culprit and not the AC Logicon.
Click here for the Air Mix Motor section!
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