Turbocharger application to the 13BT is somewhat of a black art.  Hopefully, some of this information can help you in this area...

Trying to get information on proper turbo sizing for your 13BT can be a frustrating experience.  You either get very little information or too much information!  Most of the pro's don't like talking about their secret combinations, while other will give you a lot of conflicting results.  Then there are people who tell you to use a certain turbo "cause it works".  So, why not make an informed decision yourself with the proper knowledge?  Properly sizing a turbo for your 13BT is not that hard to do once you know what to look for.  By using turbo compressor maps, we get a good idea of what a properly sized turbo would look like.  We use several popular turbo models as examples here...
Popular turbos and compressor map explanation

Ever wonder how to tell what a mystery turbo is?  This can be especially useful when looking at a "bargain" turbo that's cheap!  By taking some quick measurements, we can quickly determine what turbo you have.  The following chart can be very useful...
Compressor size chart

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